I realise that it has been a while since last time that I have shared some more pictures here in my weblog of the place where I live in, so I thought I would change that now. I know that you folks may have been keeping up with checking out on those pictures by accessing my Flickr account directly but since it looks like I would be having some more free time over the next few days I thought I would get busy again sharing some of my favourites of the week in a weekly post here in my weblog. Something that I have been doing in the past in my previous weblog so I might as well keep up with it. That way you will get to see what it is like living in a so-called mini-continent. Here we go with my favourites of this week:

Maspalomas Dunes
Puerto Rico
Puerto de Mogan
Those were some of the stunning pictures that I took last weekend with a couple of good friends who came over to spend their vacation. And like I said, now that I am going to continue adding some more weblog posts with some additional pictures you will be able to enjoy some other wonderful pictures from right here, Gran Canaria. Thus stay tuned for some more !
Technorati Tags : Gran+Canaria, Little+Venice, Tauro, Maspalomas+Dunes, Puerto+de+Mogan