While doing some catch up with my RSS feeds I have been finding that over the last couple of days there has been a pretty popular topic of discussion: EgoSurf. Yes, indeed, and somehow I guess I am not surprised about it and I bet you wouldn’t either. Steve Rubel talks about it over at Measure Bloggers with EgoSurf. Technorati has already got a few webloggers talking about it and so is Nancy White over at Monday Night Confession: I Egosurfed. Those are some examples from the feeds I have read so far, next to Oliver Thylman’s “My Ego almost Blew Up”, Quick Online Tips’ “EgoSurf : Find Your Blogs Ego Ranking” or Tris Hussey’s “Gauge and stroke your ego on egoSurf”, amongst others.
If you are also a weblogger I am sure you have heard about it several times; how lots of people think that weblogging is all just about talking about yourself and your thoughts and get a kick out of it. And it looks like EgoSurf is a handy offering that might provide people with just what they need to prove just that: that you weblog to boost your ego. Or simply, that you don’t. And funny enough, somehow I wasn’t surprised about this one either, it looks like weblogging is a whole lot more for me than just talking about myself and my thoughts to get a boost of my ego. Yes, that is right, I took the test just to prove to myself if I am weblogging for the sake of weblogging or because I may want to get something more out of it. And by the looks of the results it seems that weblogging to me is just something more than just showing off my ego.
In case you are wondering, EgoSurf is just a new offering that will measure your name and weblog site against some of the major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN) and Web 2.0 players (del.icio.us, Technorati) to see how good you would do against them. To get you started click first on More Options so that you can select all of the different settings. And then go for it! After having done the test myself, and everything else combined, I got a total score of 2540, which I know is not very high, but I wasn’t looking for a high ego boost to be honest. Otherwise, I would be asking myself why I am not showing any results with either MSN, del.icio.us or Technorati when I know there should be some more results as can be seen if you perform individual searches.
So, how reliable is this new offering, you may be wondering, right? I guess not much. Sigh. Anyway, EgoSurf looks like it might be a good attempt to provide some good fun for us webloggers who may be wondering if we weblog because we feel we have got something to say or because we just don’t have enough with our egos and we need to boost them some more. I am glad to know though that boosting my ego has not been my main priority for this weblog and I hope it will never be. Thus we will have to wait and see what will happen in the next six to twelve months and how things will change. Hopefully, not much but we shall see.
Technorati Tags : Metablogging, EgoSurf
Thanks, Jean-Francois, for the pingback ! It is actually quite interesting that you have mentioned those results since after I have done the initial test I went ahead and used the name I use as well for this weblog, elsua, and it looks like the results then would go a lot higher than what I initially reported above as can be seen attached below:
Hummm, so this again raises some concerns about the accuracy of the service and how reliable it may well be, or not. Thank goodness I am not too worried about the whole thing because otherwise I would have been a bit concerned by now. Don’t you think ?