A couple of folks have contacted me indicating that elsua seemed to have been down for a majority of last night and during the course of today and I just wanted to confirm that yes, that was the case for the last few hours. And no, it is not an indication that I am going to shut down my personal / business weblog. It is just that it looks like elsua is starting to get noticed out there because I have exceeded the bandwidth for the month way before it was expected and therefore everything seemed to be down this morning and late last night.
But not to worry, folks. I have just been talking to the folks where I am hosting the weblog, back in the US, and it is now up and running again with a bit more bandwidth to cover for the next few weeks, hopefully, months. So if you were thinking : “Off it goes. Another weblog that bites the dust”, that is certainly not the case. I will still be here for a little while longer 😀
One thing though that has made me think about it over the last few hours is that this is another good reason for not wanting to be very popular in the wild Blogosphere out there ! hehe, Yes, I know, I am just kidding, folks.
Anyway, things are back to normal now and you should be able to access everything back again, including the feeds which should be working as well. Oh, by the way, and in case you haven’t noticed (Not that you would need to, anyway) elsua is now running WordPress 2.0.2. And I do hope that Trackbacks to other non WordPress weblogs do work once and for all. We shall see how that goes.
Thanks again to all those folks who have pinged me to let me know about the temporary outage. Appreciated.
Technorati Tags: Metablogging, elsua, WordPress