Here is a relatively new weblog that has just been grabbing some more momentum lately and which I am sure plenty of folks out there would be interested in following up further, specially if you are into sensemaking, storytelling, narrative and Knowledge Management in general, amongst other things. Indeed, it looks like the good old Cynefin center is now a thing of the past and its successor, Cognitive Edge, has just been launched. The great thing about all this is that Dave Snowden has already gotten started with the first initial weblog post where he is detailing what Cognitive Edge will be up to over the next few months and how you can engage in the different conversations with them. By the looks of it, Dave is actually going to make use of a weblog to share his thoughts and engage with the rest of the readership through the usual comments. To get things started he is actually suggesting three other worth while reading weblogs related to Knowledge Management that you should all be familiar with as well. I have been subscribed to them myself for quite some time now and I certainly agree with Dave’s comments that they are all worth while subscribing to. Here they are in case you may not be aware of them:
- Euan Semple‘s The Obvious?
- Shawn, Mark and Andrew‘s Anecdote
- And, finally, Patrick Lambe‘s Green Chameleon
Thus I guess that makes four different weblogs to be added to your OPML file(s), in case you haven’t done it already and continue reading some more on other different KM perspectives. But that is not all of it because Dave did also mention that very shortly they will be setting up a wiki and a discussion group along with the availability of a new course schedule. Thus it looks like things are starting to get busier with Cognitive Edge and it would certainly be worth while following it up.
Welcome to the other side of the blogosphere, Dave !
Tags: Cognitive Edge, Dave Snowden, The Obvious, Euan Semple, Anecdote, Green Chameleon, Knowledge Management, KM, Sensemaking, Narrative, Storytelling
Thanks for the heads up and for the trackback, Jack ! Good stuff ! Yes, it looks like there would be a few of us, KMers, who would be watching the space over at Cognitive-Edge and see how it would develop. I, too, look forward to Dave’s insights in this relatively “new” medium where he is now sitting at the other end of the chair. It should be fun, I am sure, as well as entertaining and enlightening all the way.