If yesterday I was recommending the weblog eContent by Rich Hoeg as one weblog worth while keeping an eye on as it continues to explore all different items related to (e)content management and eLearning here I go again today with another recommendation for another weblog where I have found three very interesting posts, two of which I would want to recommend in this particular post. The weblog itself is titled Troy Angrignon – Adventure Capitalist and written, of course, by Troy Angrignon. In it Troy gets to venture in a number of different areas and topics of interest, one of which has caught my attention ever since I bumped into his site not long ago: Web 2.0. Yes, indeed, in that particular category he has been putting together a good number of articles worth while reading to get some further insights about how Web 2.0 and social software are shaping the way we interact nowadays on the Internet. Worth while a subscription, I tell you.
Take, for instance, the following couple of examples from different articles he has created. The first one is an old weblog post (October 2005), but which is still very relevant and a must-read resource for everyone wanting to dive into the extensive use of weblogs and wikis in the corporate world. The post is titled Summary of good corporate blog and wiki resources and, like I said, in it you would be able to find an extensive list of resources to different items related to weblogs and wikis and how they are slowly, but steadily, entering the enterprise world. For sure a keeper and worth while a bookmark for it.
But if you didn’t have enough with that weblog post then take a look into this other one: Corporate Wikis reviewed: Confluence, JotSpot, WetPaint, Socialtext, where not so long ago, about a month ago, he shared some very interesting feedback on some of the major players in helping deploy enterprise wikis. So in a lengthy article he gets to share his views on Confluence, JotSpot, WetPaint and Socialtext. And don’t worry, he actually comes up with a favourite, but in the updated section he also indicates why it may struggle in the end to make it as a successful enterprise wiki platform.
I must say that I have been exposed to all four wiki engines and I agree with Troy that perhaps my favourites would be Confluence and WetPaint (Which I weblogged about not long ago), if it ever wants to enter the enterprise world, that is. And talking about Confluence check out the weblog post that Zoli has shared as well over at his weblog on a recent interview with Confluence’s CEOs (Mike and Jonathan). Highly recommended to see where it all got started from for them.
As you would be able to see lots of different and interesting weblog posts to keep up on what is going on with the enterprise adoption of the so-called Web 2.0 or social software and which very shortly, if not happening already, will change the landscape of how knowledge workers get to share knowledge and collaborate with one another. Fascinating stuff ! Oh, and regarding the third weblog post I was going to recommend and comment on from Troy’s weblog it would have to wait for another weblog post …
Tags: Troy Angrignon, Adventure Capitalist, Web 2.0, Social Software, Wikis, Confluence, JotSpot, WetPaint, Socialtext, Corporate Wikis, Enterprise Wikis, Zoli’s Blog