In the past you may have noticed how I have been weblogging a few times already on the power of storytelling as to how crucial it will certainly be for any healthy Knowledge Management strategy to bring forward and incorporate storytelling as one of the different techniques put together in order to help boost knowledge sharing and collaborating within the enterprise. That is why for a number of different weeks I have been watching out with great interest the different developments that the folks over at Anecdote have been putting together on a new initiative they are working on called Zahmoo, which is certainly going to help out in this space a huge deal ! They have just recently announced the launch of the Zahmoo weblog as well but just in case you may need to find out some more about what this particular new initiative is all about here you have got a small introduction to it: "Zahmoo makes it easy for you to manage your most significant change projects. Use Zahmoo to collect stories, organise selections, and keep track of the selected stories throughout the process.
Indeed, it looks like most significant change is becoming a hot topic at the moment in the world of KM and somehow Anecdote seems to keep themselves ahead of the curve, which is a good thing because thanks to their efforts you would be able to experience how stories could influence and improve the way people do business by allowing them to share much more knowledge than ever before and collaborate in a more effective and efficient way. And you can get things going for yourself by signing-up to Zahmoo to enter their pre-release beta already in the making. I have already signed up myself and I am currently waiting to be able to test the pre-release beta. So we shall see how that goes further. Of course, as soon as I get some experience with it I shall be weblogging about it and share some further insights.
For the time being, though, and if you would want to read some more about this as part of the background of what is happening with Zahmoo, check out the following weblog post that Shawn Callahan shared a few months back titled Evaluating the soft stuff. It does actually make up for some really good reading around the topic of most significant change and how it can impact the way companies build up their knowledge within the enterprise and beyond. Highly recommended.
Tags: Zahmoo, Anecdote, Storytelling, Narrative, Telling Stories, Knowledge Management, KM
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