Not long ago I created a weblog post over at elsua @ ITtoolbox where I was actually sharing my views and thoughts about one very impressive social software offering to be able to conduct online e-meetings effectively in order to share your knowledge with others and collaborate further much more efficiently. And all of that free of charge. That particular application is called View 2.0 and the actual review I provided back then could still be very much accurate since that latest release. However, and although I can certainly recommend you try out Vyew at any given point in time, I have also bumped into another fantastic resource around the world of e-meetings and screen sharing that I just thought I couldn’t let it go pass by just like that.
The weblog post actually comes from Robin Good‘s Online Collaboration and Web Conferencing Breaking News – and it was originally posted by Livia Iacolare. It is titled Screen Sharing Tools and Technology: A Mini-Guide and in it you would be able to find, perhaps, one of the most comprehensive and useful resources regarding the world of e-meetings and screen sharing tools. Because that is just exactly what that weblog post is all about: a review of 21 different screen sharing applications currently available out there that would allow you to host some very good online e-meetings. Yes, indeed, you read it right: 21 options ! Just awesome!
But that is not all of it because on that same weblog post, and specially for those folks who may not be familiar with what screen sharing is all about, there is also an entire section dedicated to clarify some of the myths behind screen sharing along with a compilation of the typical features of screen sharing. Indeed, quite an impressive resource and of those weblog posts that would keep you busy for a number of weeks trying out all of the different applications! Even after reading through Livia’s account of the most important options out there.
Thus if you feel you would have plenty of time to try them all out I can certainly suggest you give it a try and see how many you may have covered already and which ones you may want to try out at some other point in time. I have been exposed already to a good number of them, and I guess that I will actually be commenting on the ones that I have found incredibly resourceful and successful as time goes through. So stay tuned, because, yes!, there is still some more to come. But for the time being just head over to Screen Sharing Tools and Technology – A Mini Guide and get ready for some serious reading and some further involvement with some of those tools, because I bet that you would be getting exposed to more than one as time goes by. In one way or another.
Oh, if you go ahead and do that, don’t forget to weblog about it / them and let us know what you think. Perhaps we could compile a listing of reviews of the different tools and provide some first hand experiences on how to work with them to add further up on what Livia has put together already. But I guess that would be the subject for a good number of future posts. So, one step at a time, I would think, right?
Tags: Screen Sharing, E-Meetings, Virtual Meetings, Online Meetings, Collaboration, Remote Collaboration, Communities, Knowledge Management, KM, Social Networking, Social Software, Web 2.0, Kolabora, Robin Good, Vyew