Tags: Navidad, Feliz Navidad, Christmas, Merry Christmas, Spain, Las Palmas, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Playa Las Canteras, Belen, Nativity Scene, Flickr, Pictures, Life
Yes, I know, *that* time of the year again. So I am going to keep it short. I just want to take this opportunity to wish everyone, who has been a faithful reader of elsua.net during the course of this fantastic year, a wonderful Christmas and whether you get to celebrate it, or not, I wish you have a great time with your loved ones enjoying those precious little moments of life that we all learned to enjoy and cherish year after year. Thank you for being there and for being who you are ! All the best !
Oh, in case you are wondering about the pictures, I took them yesterday afternoon in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in Playa Las Canteras, where there is a display of a "Belén de Arena" (A nativity scene made of sand), the largest in Spain, over the next few days. I took a whole bunch more pictures covering different scenes and, if interested, you would be able to find them all over at my Flickr account.
¡Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas to you, Luis … I look forward to more great stuff from elsua.net in the new year!
Hi Kelly ! Thanks a lot for dropping by and for the kind and warm wishes ! A Merry Christmas to you, too! I am sure you have been enjoying it quite a bit as I have been reading off your Internet weblog. Excellent stuff ! I, too, look forward to reading some more from the one and only Kelly D.
Thus keep blogging !