5 BIG Reasons CEOs Should Blog

5 thoughts on “5 BIG Reasons CEOs Should Blog”

  1. Congrats on your new position. There are plenty of reasons why CEOs should blog. On my blog, I once listed ten reasons why they shouldn’t —


    10: Your CEO heads up a start-up and wants more people to pay attention to his or her company.

    9: Your CEO heads up a Fortune 500 company but wants to stand out from the pack.

    8: Your CEO thinks he or she should because his or her employees are blogging.

    7: Your CEO thinks blog ging is less expensive than hiring professional PR and marketing teams.

    6: Your CEO does not have the time to write his or her own postings.

    5: Your CEO is not a good writer.

    4: Your CEO is not comfortable with candid feedback or criticism.

    3: Other CEOs are blog ging and he or she doesn’t want to cede a competitive advantage.

    2: Other CEOs aren’t blog ging and he or she wants a competitive advantage.

    1: Your CEO thinks he or she should.

    Most PR folks have enough trouble getting their CEOs to blog. But blogging for the wrong reasons can be far worse than not blogging at all. No one, whether they work in the mailroom or the executive suite SHOULD blog.

    Blogging is for those who are passionate, committed to conversation and want to blog.

  2. I’m glad Dan said this Luiz. I sometimes think – and I’ve made the same mistake – of confusing my passion with the things that matter to others. CEOs have a whole different set of demands on their time to the likes of thee and me and frankly, most I come across are not that good at writing engaging stuff. That’s a skill you either have or don’t.

  3. I would actually agree with Dennis, and Dan … theres plenty to be achieved with internal blogs, when you and your colleagues blog, and maybe we should look at harnessing that first? It might be better for practitioners to focus their energies there? If as it is, the CEO is going to get a ghost-writer … whats the point? though, in theory, its an excellent idea, and something which I would like to see, too, but having said that, I think theres a long way to go there.

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