You may have noticed how this particular blog has gone a bit dormant lately. Yes, there is a reason for it. I am still on holidays. Till next week Monday. And so far I am truly enjoying the disconnect, so that I can work my way through some nurturing of my own real life. It is good to be able to unwind from everything, recharge your batteries and get ready for some more action in the next few days.
However, it is also a good time to catch up with some of the stuff that is going on out there, so in between here and there I have been doing tons of reading, and listening, of various different KM related topics and got loads of stuff to talk about. So I suppose that over the next few days I may be able to share some more stuff on what’s in my mind.
For now though onto some really good fun stuff. Yes, last Friday I finally got a copy of Leopard and over the weekend, after having some done some massive catch up various different articles and blog posts (Too many to mention them over here!), I did the upgrade of my MacBook Pro. Goodness! What a treat!
The overall process took me roughly a bit more than one hour! And I never thought it would be that easy. I mean, the manual that came with the DVD was not very helpful as the instructions seemed to be a bit out of the date? However, getting through the whole process was intuitive enough for me to manage everything in very single steps. So much so, that a click here, a click there, wait a few minutes here, a few minutes there and voilá, upgrade done!
I tell you, I never experienced such an ease of use to get a machine upgraded to its latest operating system. A few of the folks I followed on a regular basis have been blogging, twittering and podcasting about their cumbersome and difficult experiences upgrading to, for instance, Windows Vista. Yet, with me the upgrade to Leopard has just been incredibly easy and rather effective. Not a single glitch during the whole process.
How cool is that? I never thought it would be, but then again, all along, I have been incredibly impressed with the overall user experience from the MacBook Pro, so perhaps I knew a little bit how things would pave out in the end. So much so that I am now finally starting my final move away from my Lenovo 3000 N100 Windows XP based machine into the MacBook Pro; oh, and that final move is meant from a business as usual, work related, perspective.
Thus far the experience has been superior. I haven’t had a single error message from the upgrade (Did a complete clean install, in case you are wondering), and so far from what I have been trying out everything seems to be running pretty smooth. In fact, the machine seems to be running faster, less prone to hiccups and all of the different applications that I am currently using are all working just fine, except for one of them that I am hoping will be working all right again pretty soon. That is the case for Vienna, my default feed reader for the Mac, where some of the toolbar menu options cannot be invoked no matter how many times you click!
For the rest, everything is working all right. And I am surely glad that I have done such upgrade over the holidays, because it has been rather painless, totally worth it, very fast and the way it is always supposed to be: intuitive.
I know I still have got to upload a couple of Mac apps. here and there, but so far the core of tools I use on the Mac all seem to be working all right. So my final verdict? Well, what can I say? It just works. And pretty well! And I can certainly recommend it to everyone who may be wondering whether it is worth while or not. Let me tell you something else: save some time to yourself and do it now. Roughly one hour of pure delight seeing how everything will be taken into a whole new experience! (And I know those who may have tried it out already would agree with that statement, too!)
Good-bye, Windows (In whatever fashion you were coming to me so far)! It was good knowing you before I decided to upgrade my overall user experience! Now it is time to read further on the Guided Tour and discover some more on those new 300+ features that Leopard is bringing onto the table! Guess I am going to continue having plenty of good fun during the holidays, don’t you think? 😉
Tags: Mac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, Apple, Windows, Leopard, Vista, Upgrade, Lenovo 3000 N100, Windows XP, Vienna, Ease of Use, Intuitive, User Experience, Usability, Holiday Break, Holidays, Vacation