One of the major highlights from the IBM iForum event taking place last week was certainly the networking bit going on all over the place with customers, business partners and IBMers talking about bringing innovation into the next level. Still remains one of the main reasons why I got to conferences and why I enjoy them so much! Without the networking taking place I doubt I would be going to most of them.
Thus one of the things I was surely looking forward to was to be able to meet up again, in the same year, with the one and only Roo Reynolds, Metaverse Evangelist (How cool is that for a job title, eh?!?!). He was actually due to speak a couple of times during the course of the event, and this blog post will just briefly cover the first one of the speaker sessions he did.
It certainly was great being able to catch up with him and keep the conversations going from the various social software tools we both hang out in. It just feels like we know each other forever and some of the conversations we had with various other people together were incredibly inspiring on keeping the dialogue going around the subject of social computing: challenges, adoption hurdles, how different businesses are opening up to social software, etc. etc.
So when I saw he was speaking on the first day of the iForum event around the subject of "2010 CIO Outlook" I knew we were off to a great session and it surely was. One of the things that I enjoy the most from Roo’s presentation style is how well prepared he is with each and everyone of his pitches. So much so that he makes it very easy for us, attendees, to get the most of the session. And if not take a look. He did the presentation last week and way before the slide deck was available on his own blog.
Yes, that is right! Days before the event was taking place, you could already check out the slide deck he was going to be using as he shared it over at his blog (And Slideshare) under the title IBM’s CIO 2010 Outlook. And shortly after, right after he used his lovely recorder during the session, he has managed to put together the recording of the audio next to the slide deck! Way cool! And incredibly handy for us, attendees wanting to blog the session, because we just have got to point you to the session details and then you can go and have a listen.
I am actually trying to follow the same processes that Roo has gone through to share both the slide deck and the audio in Slideshare. Right now I am editing the content as there was some sensitive material that you probably wouldn’t need to see, but expect it to be there in the next day or so.
However, and for this particular session I thought I would point you a couple of slides that I think you would enjoy quite a bit as they do seem to come along the very same lines of what you have been reading over here in this blog. Thus have another look at slides 8 where you would be able to read some more on the various Web 2.0 patterns (Software as a Service, Community mechanisms and Simple user interface and data services).
From there onwards head over to slide 9 where you would be able to read / listen Roo talk about how he is actually making use of outside of the corporate firewall social networking tools to reach out to his friends (And family members), colleagues and customers by focusing on nurturing the relationships going further and beyond that IBM’s firewall. Amazing that he gets to share some lovely personal stories on how he is benefiting from making use of each of those different tools (Flickr,,, Twitter, Dopplr and, of course, Facebook) and which would, I am sure, resonate with plenty of you out there. At least, it did with me
Another interesting slide would be slide #11 where he gets to share some further thoughts around the topic of Enterprise 2.0 being everything about user driven innovation, simpler more productive solutions, integration, reduced cost and innovate, amongst many other things.
The following set of slides are actually examples of IBM social software tools, most of which I have already talked about over here to some extent. Instances like Fringe, Dogear, etc. And from there onwards Roo wraps up the session talking about some of the inhibitors and leading indicators that will shape up the way we share our knowledge and collaborate with other knowledge workers in order to drive further innovation for customers and business partners. Some really good stuff!
I know you are all going to enjoy Roo’s session, so I better leave you down to it. If you are reading this from the, now working, RSS / Atom feed, here is the direct link to the Slideshare presentation. For the rest of us here is the embedded deck with the audio incorporated, of course. Hope you enjoy it just as much as I did attending the event live! Another of the presentations, imo, that would hit my Top 3 / 5 list! Without a doubt!
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Tags: IBM, iForum, iForum 2007, Innovation Forum, Zurich, Switzerland, Events, Innovation Events, Innovation, Social Computing, Social Software, Social Networking, Social Media, Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, Collaboration, Remote Collaboration, Slideshare, Roo Reynolds, Metaverse Evangelist, Knowledge Management, KM, Knowledge Sharing, Learning, CIO 2010 Outlook, Fringe, Dogear, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, Dopplr,,, Conversations, Dialogue, Relationships, Inhibitors, Web 2.0 Patterns
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