¡¡¡Feliz Año 2008!!!

4 thoughts on “¡¡¡Feliz Año 2008!!!”

  1. Luis, Thanks so much for all the information that you provide the collaboration community. Since you shared your photos, I thought you might like to see some excellent photos of an extended trip I took to SE Asia a few years ago. I just got around to posting them.

    Wanted to pick your brain on community tools. I did quite a lot of research over the break on both the free google groups types as well as some of the product based ones: Mzinga, IntroNetworks

    What are your thoughts on these tools? Any good whitepapers comparing them?

  2. Luis, It seems that you are enjoying some well deserved time off. Just wanted to follow-up from my comment a week or so ago. Since posting that comment, I have found a tool called Ning. Although it will take some time to evaluate, I believe it is far superior to all the other hosted community tools that I have found.

    I will post a follow-up once I have had more experience with the tool. I had a call today with the people who run Talkshoe which for those of you who do not know is a free podcasting tool that can be used VERY effectively as a free phone bridge tool even if you are never planning to record. The guys at Talkshoe were explaining to me that they have widgets which will bring podcast content from their site onto Ning.

    All the best,

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