After an incredibly hectic (And frenetic!) week at work where I had to do a quick trip to Madrid to present at a Proof of Technology (a.k.a. PoT) on Social Software and Lotus Connections with a bunch of business partners (I am thinking about putting together a follow up blog post on this experience, since I found it rather interesting and exciting, specially since the focus of the majority of the discussion was on everything else, but the tools. Plenty of conversations around change management, cultural issues, adoption, etc. Yes, I know, post will be coming up shortly!), I thought I would put together another blog post catching up with the weekly progress report on my new challenge of "A World Without Email". This time around for week 6, 2nd year, which, as you would be able to see below, has produced an interesting set of results. Thus without much further ado here you have got the weekly snapshot:
Ouchie! As you may have noticed, for the first time in 6 weeks, I have gone over 25 emails on the weekly incoming count and maxed at 31, which I know for most folks that would be nothing, but since I put myself a follow up challenge for this second year to stay on 20 or below, I guess it’s something to watch out for.
You may be wondering what may have caused such sudden increase and I must confess that, once again, most of the email traffic I had from last week was due to the lovely (NOT!!!) Reply to All button. Yes, that button that presumes you would need to know about stuff, when in reality you don’t, nor you wouldn’t. But still it keeps reminding you that you need to know about something. Well, I don’t. And if I would, not to worry, I shall certainly be letting you know about it. Give me an opportunity to decide whether I want to be involved in subsequent replies or not, please, but spear me from a bunch of emails I wouldn’t need on the first place. Oh well…
Moving on forward, I thought as well I would share with you folks, what I think, would be an interesting link, specially for those folks who understand Spanish, and may want to learn further on why I started this my new reality on "A World Without Email".
Late last year, November, to be more precise, you would remember how I presented at what, to date, remains one of my favourite conference events I have attended so far: EventoBlog, in Seville, Spain. Yes, I did the well known "Thinking Outside the Inbox" and just a few days ago I found out that the session was recorded with both video and audio and is now ready for replay at Vimeo.
The fine folks over at EventoBlog blog have also put together an entry referencing the video, including as well, what I think was one of the best blog post coverage links I have seen in what I was trying to convey throughout the roughly over one hour show: "El hombre que mató al correo electrónico" ("The man who killed email") by Gonzalo Martín.
I guess I could say plenty of things about EventoBlog and everything (Just wish Twitter wouldn’t have such a bad memory, since most, if not all!, of the live tweeting from that session is gone now!), but I think I am just going to leave it for a follow up blog post, since I want to share further details on what other conference events can learn from such an amazing experience we had in Seville.
For now I will leave you with the embedded video of EventoBlog‘s Servicios y Technología 2.0 en la empresa (a.k.a. Enterprise 2.0) by yours truly (Which lasts for a little bit over 55 minutes), where you can watch the recorded session. In Spanish; which I would think is perfect timing for those folks who have been asking me where I could blog about the topic of giving up email at work in Spanish. Well, this video would be as good as it gets. Nearly one hour talking about the subject! Hope you enjoy it, just as much as I did not only during the session, but also during the entire event!
EBE 08 – Conferencia de Luis Suárez from Evento Blog España on Vimeo.
Tags: Enterprise 2.0, Social Software, Social Networking, Social Computing, Social Media, Collaboration, Communities, Learning, Knowledge Sharing, KM, Knowledge Management, Remote Collaboration, Innovation, IBM, Networking, Social Networks, Conversations, Dialogue, Communication, Connections, Relationships, email, Productivity, Re-purposing Email, No-Email, Challenge Your Inbox, Progress Reports, Thinking Outside the Inbox, Information Overload, EventoBlog, EBE08, A World Without Email, Gonzalo Martin, Conference Events, Empresa 2.0, Colaboración 2.0, Collaboración, Gestión de Conocimientos, Comunidades, Lotus Connections, Connections, Madrid, Seville, Spain, Twitter, Vimeo, Evento Blog España
we met in Varese, Italy for the Enterprise 2.0 Forum. I have just published a technical report on this topic that may interest you. I would be glad if you leave me a comment on my blog to get this line of research further.
Ciao Federico! Thanks a bunch for dropping by and I would be delighted to have a look into the report and send some feedback across, as appropiate… I will drop a quick comment in your blog to hook up! Thanks for that!