A few days back my good friend, and fellow IBM colleague, Aneel Lakhani, tagged me on an on-going meme that’s been going around for a little while now called "The Web in Twenty" where participants have to eventually provide answers to three different questions:
- How has the Web changed your life?
- How has the Web changed business and society?
- What do you think the Web will look like in 20 years?
So, since it’s been quite a while that I have last embarked on chiming in on one of those blogging memes I thought it would be a good time to do that over the course of the weekend and the actual blog post is up and running already. Over at my Posterous site under the same title: "The Web in Twenty", which will give me, by the way, a nice opportunity to kick things off again over there after the holidays, the business travelling and catching up from last week. Regular blogging activities will resume there as well with the same spirit as before, starting off with that entry I have just shared.
I wonder though whether the folks I tagged (Rick Ladd, Paula Thornton, John Tropea, Jay Cross, Harold Jarche and Stephen Downes) will dive in as well and share their insights with us …
What do you think? Do you reckon they will chime in? 😉
Tags: Internet, Web, Future, 2030, Memes, Internet Memes, Metablogging, Blogging, Predictions, Rick Ladd, Paula Thornton, John Tropea, Jay Cross, Harold Jarche, Stephen Downes, Aneel Lakhani, Tagging