Collaborative Culture: On Reinventing the Social Enterprise

8 thoughts on “Collaborative Culture: On Reinventing the Social Enterprise”

  1. and thanks for turning this into a conversation. I particularly appreciate you adding your take on each of the dimensions -and those of people such as Kathy Sierra. I look forward to going deeper on each one with you.

  2. “Social networking” now so often stands in for the net-enabling tools to do it remotely. Yet, as you say, it is about people and actions that build culture.

    Case in point: yesterday, my CEO asked how much time I spent on deskwork vs. just being present, talking with our people. He wants us to do more management by walking around.

    This means to me: Build trust and culture in person if you can. If you connect virtually by phone or other social media, it works out, too; it just takes longer.

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  4. brill! I went to Debs one half way through then returned here after reading it. I left musing on how the heck we really change stuff. Then I read this concept of latency – the seeds are already there. yes…what a positive approach, reinvention not creating something from scratch. The task becomes manageable, as it is already happening…!


  5. While to some degree I understand Luis’ comment that the “main challenge to successful adoption of social computing within the enterprise is cultural, not technology or processes,” if the technology doesn’t support the way that people want to work and relate to others then that also dooms adoption. The technology must not be some separate monolithic access point, but integrated into the fabric of the existing processes used by people on a daily basis.

  6. Luis, great post. I would add 2 items to Deb’s lsit:
    7. Velocity – knowledge is a form of currency and, as economists have long known, the velocity of circulation (of knowledge) is where the value is generated.
    8. Context – understand (probe), reflect (sense), re-invent and apply (respond) to increase value.
    @Don – these “necessary business tools” are assumed to be the paint/fabric we apply our (cultural) designs to. The fabric may (will) change and the design remains or evolves.

  7. Don – I believe the culture and tech need to come together to create a virtuous cycle. First comes the value or desire to collaborate, then comes the tech which (hopefully) supports, enables and reinforces, making it easy and productive to do so – that reinforces and expands the cultural imperative to do so.

    Peter – context is everything – couldn’t agree more. And I like your point about velocity. My pal @mpedson would also agree with you most heartily (and he’s a genius)

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