A World Without E-mail: The Mashable Effect!

8 thoughts on “A World Without E-mail: The Mashable Effect!”

  1. Congrats. I’ve had a similar experience recently with winning the CrackBerry Idol competition. The traffic and buzz have died down, but what I learned was that I have an *amazing* social network supporting me. Good times.
    Also, ironically, I’m reading your blog via my Inbox. 🙂

  2. Fantastic work you are doing and you have certainly hit the right chord with me. Your tagline especially touches home since the “Think Outside The Inbox” has been a mantra I’ve been preaching inside our company (a 20,000+ person financial services provider) for over a year now. In fact, I even designed a logo that takes a fun spin on the Taco Bell “think outside the bun” mantra which you can see in this post:


    Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  3. Luis, I swear you quoted me a couple of times during the interview — I don’t know how many times I’ve told people to delete all their email, if it’s important it’ll come back. And I too get my news from Twitter. Great interview!

  4. Luis, I’ve been a regular listener of many of the TWiT podcasts as well and was delighted to hear you show up on Leo and Amber’s Net@Night!

    You know I’m a fan of your perspectives on social media and I’ve been trying to avoid the trap of simply adding social media to my existing use of email but rather to replace the former with the later. I’ve been partly successful at that thus far but your blog post and podcast interview just provided additional motivation for me to encourage more of my teams at work to make that move with me.

    Keep up your great evangelism. You’re an inspiration to us all.

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