Improving Your Presentation Skills – Part Deux

One thought on “Improving Your Presentation Skills – Part Deux”

  1. I typically do 2 different types of speaking. I do the recorded screencasts for and I’ll speak live at usergroups and Lotusphere and such.

    What I’ve found to be helpful in preparing for the Live presentations is to “screencast” it ahead of time. That helps me with 2 things. I can zero in on the time a little better, and while I hate the sound of my voice, watching/listening to it afterwards is almost as good as practicing live. And with the recording I can watch it on the plane or treadmil… when I wouldn’t have a chance to really practice otherwise.

    I’m sure I’m not a great speaker and I’ll have to review these posts and tweets. I do try and have different styles for the 2 mediums. But the recordings have helped me so I wanted to share that idea.

    Of course that’s not an option for the “pull it together at the last minute” situations. You do need to plan ahead.


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