Knowledge Management Redux – Linking KM and Social Software

Earlier on today I read through another interesting, and thought provoking, weblog post over at Knowledge Jolt with Jack titled Link between KM and Social Software, which in return referenced another great, worth while reading, weblog post by Mike Gotta: Social Software: Knowledge Management Redux? In that particular weblog post Jack comes to augment what … Continue reading Knowledge Management Redux – Linking KM and Social Software

elsua Featured in Web 2.0 Journal – Social Software’s Drivers in KM

It doesn’t happen very often, I must admit, folks, but when it does, it surely puts things back into perspective and helps you realise that weblogging is just so much more than just hype. Indeed, over the weekend I experienced something that at the very beginning I was not really sure about what would be … Continue reading elsua Featured in Web 2.0 Journal – Social Software’s Drivers in KM

Useful Distinctions in Social Software – Where Passion, Trust and Involvement All Meet

Over the weekend there has been some great commentary shared over at a weblog post I created on Friday under the title: Social Software in the Enterprise – Tacit vs. Explicit Knowledge and which I will be commenting through in the next few minutes. However, there was one of those comments, which was actually a … Continue reading Useful Distinctions in Social Software – Where Passion, Trust and Involvement All Meet