JAC 2012 – Joint Alumni Conference Event Highlights

As you may have seen from my recent live tweeting from over the last couple of days, I am returning back home from Zurich, Switzerland, one of my favourite European cities, after having presented at, and attended, the excellent Joint Alumni Conference 2012 event on what I think has been one of the most inspiring events that … Continue reading JAC 2012 – Joint Alumni Conference Event Highlights

Social Business Is People to People Business – The Iberia Story

As you may have seen it already, once again, I am on the move. This time around to Zurich, Switzerland, to go and present at the Joint Alumni Conference – JAC 2012 event, perhaps on what may well be one of the most important and relevant speeches I may be delivering to date, around the topic of … Continue reading Social Business Is People to People Business – The Iberia Story

How Mobility Empowers Work as a State of Mind in the Era of Social Business

In last Friday’s blog post you would remember how we talked about the huge impact of social business and social technologies in helping us adapt and embrace a new model of work, where in a world that it’s now more virtual and distributed than ever, work itself stops being a physical space alone and instead it … Continue reading How Mobility Empowers Work as a State of Mind in the Era of Social Business

Social Business Accelerates Work as a State of Mind

A few days back Scott Edinger put together a very insightful article on the topic of whether remote knowledge workers are more engaged, or not, than people working at the traditional office. The interesting thing though is how the whole concept of teleworking has been all along with us for several decades now, specially, since the emergence … Continue reading Social Business Accelerates Work as a State of Mind

Manifesto of the Passionate Creative Worker in the Age of Social Business

There are plenty of times, throughout our very own lives, when we bump into some wonderfully inspirational reading material(s) that, while going through them, reading them at a slower pace, with a smile on our faces, savouring each and every single word of that written piece, letting your mind go wild into deep thoughts of … Continue reading Manifesto of the Passionate Creative Worker in the Age of Social Business