Storytelling, not Journalism, Spurs Most Weblogs

Through a colleague of mine, who actually weblogged about this particular piece of news over at his Intranet weblog, I bumped into this specific news article that I thought would be worth while mentioning over here: Storytelling, not Journalism, Spurs More Blogs. In the past you would remember how I have been weblogging a couple … Continue reading Storytelling, not Journalism, Spurs Most Weblogs

RSS for Newbies

Gina Trapani has actually shared a link, via Lifehacker, to a very good resource that I am sure I would be making use of it quite often in my quest to help more people understand a bit more and adopt this so-called social software hype. Indeed, in RSS for newbies Gina actually points out to … Continue reading RSS for Newbies

IBM Collaboration Best Practices Conference – Somers, NY – July 2006

Some time ago I mentioned how I was actually going to attend the IBM Professional Technical Leadership Exchange, taking place in Madrid, to give a presentation on one of my favourite topics regarding Knowledge Management: Personal Knowledge Management. Well, this time around I am actually going to the US, Somers, NY, to provide another presentation … Continue reading IBM Collaboration Best Practices Conference – Somers, NY – July 2006

A – Z of Professional Blogging – What Every Blogger Should Be Aware of

As I keep encouraging both people at work and outside work to explore all these relatively new social software tools available out there: wikis, weblogs, social bookmarking, web syndication (RSS / Atom), podcasting, and whatever other social networking tools, in order to improve and augment the way they may be sharing knowledge and collaborating with … Continue reading A – Z of Professional Blogging – What Every Blogger Should Be Aware of

Expertise Location without Technology – The Power of Storytelling (Part Deux)

A couple of days back you would remember how I actually created a follow up weblog post around the subject of expertise location to the superb article that Jack Vinson created over at Expertise Locators on the Brain (Worth while reading material for sure). And today I thought I would also point you to another … Continue reading Expertise Location without Technology – The Power of Storytelling (Part Deux)

Blogging and Knowledge Communities – Is There a Connection?

Earlier on today, I attended one of those conference calls that I was really looking forward to for quite some time now. It was organised by Stan Garfield, leader of the SIKMLeaders group (System Integrators KM Leaders), and it was actually organised as part of their Knowledge Management monthly calls. This time around we had … Continue reading Blogging and Knowledge Communities – Is There a Connection?