Make the World Better (Ask If Anyone Minds Later) by Dr. Pamela Gay

At a time of a tremendous amount of incredible positives and incredible negatives, mixed all along with a huge sense of urgent uncertainty as to what’s going to happen next, one cannot, but truly appreciate how the world of the Social Web is changing us as a society, never mind the corporate world altogether, making us … Continue reading Make the World Better (Ask If Anyone Minds Later) by Dr. Pamela Gay

How Narrating Your Work Helps You Become More Effective by Saving Precious Time

A few days back, my good friend, Bertrand Duperrin, put together a rather interesting and intriguing blog post under the suggestive heading “Employees don’t have time to waste narrating their work” where he shared some very thoughtful insights on the potential burdens behind the whole concept of narrate your work, working out loud or observable … Continue reading How Narrating Your Work Helps You Become More Effective by Saving Precious Time

State of the Net 2012 – People Tweet Tacit Knowledge – Part One

You may remember how in previous articles that I have put together over here in this blog I have mentioned how, lately, I am going through one of those stages, where instead of participating rather actively in a good number of various different social networking sites, I’m now more inclined towards plenty of reading and … Continue reading State of the Net 2012 – People Tweet Tacit Knowledge – Part One