Once Upon a Time … the Power of Storytelling for Business

Over at StrategyFocusedHR, Ron Thomas put together, just recently, a rather interesting and intriguing blog post, under the suggestive heading “Once Upon a Time: Remember When We Could Tell a Story Without Slides?“, that I can certainly recommend everyone reading through it, specially, if you are a public speaker, and, more importantly, if you like … Continue reading Once Upon a Time … the Power of Storytelling for Business

Becoming a Jedi Master – The Secret Art of Cultivating Online Communities #sbf12 #cmgr

Now that I am done with my last business trip for the first half of the year, and will be taking a break from travelling till the second week of September, I guess it’s time to reflect a bit on what it has been like and perhaps share a few insights here and there on … Continue reading Becoming a Jedi Master – The Secret Art of Cultivating Online Communities #sbf12 #cmgr

Productivity Tips on Presentations: Inform, Inspire and Motivate

One of the things that I am enjoying the most about the impact of the Social Web in our businesses is its innate ability to keep humanising the corporate world and be capable of getting away with it with little effort. The interesting thing though is that act of humanising our corporate interactions is happening all … Continue reading Productivity Tips on Presentations: Inform, Inspire and Motivate

Productivity Tips for the Mobile (Social) Knowledge Web Worker – Mophie, Gum Max and Logitech

As I have mentioned on my last blog post, here’s a follow-up entry for today where I’m going to pick things up from where I left them around some additional Productivity Tips for the Mobile (Social) Knowledge Web Worker. This time around not so much on software per se, but on hardware and, more specifically, for two … Continue reading Productivity Tips for the Mobile (Social) Knowledge Web Worker – Mophie, Gum Max and Logitech