I Think I May Have Just Experienced The Future…

As I have just mentioned in my last blog entry, the last few days I have been embarked on my latest business trip, coinciding with a wonderful visit all around to Helsinki, Finland, where my good friends from IBM Finland invited me over to participate on the IBM CIO Forum event, with the rather innovative … Continue reading I Think I May Have Just Experienced The Future…

Lotusphere and IBM Connect 2012 Highlights – Back to Basics of Conferences! #ls12 #ibmconnect

As more and more blog posts are starting to come along sharing further insights on some of the major highlights from the recent IBM Lotusphere and IBM Connect 2012 events held last week in Orlando, Florida, I guess it’s now time for me to start sharing my two cents on what both events were like, … Continue reading Lotusphere and IBM Connect 2012 Highlights – Back to Basics of Conferences! #ls12 #ibmconnect

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun – Happy IBM Anniversary!

Whoahh! Who would have thought about that, eh? Here is this English Language and English Literature BA just going through one of those milestones difficult to achieve in today’s current time and age. Who would have thought that on January 20th 1997 I would start working for IBM and that 15 years later I would … Continue reading Time Flies When You Are Having Fun – Happy IBM Anniversary!

IBM Lotusphere and IBM Connect 2011 – The Agendas #ls12 #ibmconnect

You can surely feel the vibe and the excitement building up nicely over the last few hours. I’m already in Orlando, Florida, having had a really good night sleep and plenty of rest, probably the last one of the week!, once the Lotusphere mayhem breaks loose and chaos unleashes with no remedy and I can … Continue reading IBM Lotusphere and IBM Connect 2011 – The Agendas #ls12 #ibmconnect

Want to Trust Your Employees? Give Them All Unlimited Vacation Days

As I am about to enjoy my last day on vacation, since tomorrow morning I will be heading over to Orlando, Florida, to embark on the regular yearly pilgrimage trip to attend IBM’s event of events around the world of Collaboration, Knowledge Sharing and the Social Enterprise (Of course, I’m talking about the one and … Continue reading Want to Trust Your Employees? Give Them All Unlimited Vacation Days