Reflections from 2011 – A World Without Email – The Documentary

(WARNING: I do realise that I have already included a warning and word of caution throughout this article about the length of it, but I thought I would let folks know as well how if you would just want to check out the yearly progress report you would just need to read the first section … Continue reading Reflections from 2011 – A World Without Email – The Documentary

Reflections from 2011 – Focused and Purposeful Social Networking

In a rather thought-provoking blog post shared a few days back, my good friend, the always insightful, Alan Lepofsky ventured to put together what could well be some very interesting predictions for 2012 with a slight twist that I am sure is going to provoke lots of healthy dialogue as we start moving into the new … Continue reading Reflections from 2011 – Focused and Purposeful Social Networking

How Meaningful, Smarter, Freelance Work Is Redesigning the Social Enterprise

Continuing further with that series of blog posts on meaningful and smarter work and how it is helping the corporate world redesign the future of the workplace to make it much more networked, interconnected, open, egalitarian, non-hiearchical, unstructured, porous, chaotic, trustworthy, engaging, transparent, agile, dynamic, empowering and whatever else you would want to add further up (Phew!) to realise … Continue reading How Meaningful, Smarter, Freelance Work Is Redesigning the Social Enterprise

The Future of High-Performance Work Systems – Towards Meaningful Work

A couple of years back the folks over at oDesk put together a rather interesting and insightful YouTube video clip around The Future of Work, which lasts for a little bit over 6 minutes, that surely is worth while going through, specially, the last minute and a half, as it would remind plenty of people … Continue reading The Future of High-Performance Work Systems – Towards Meaningful Work