How Fun and Creativity Can Shape Your Own Social Computing Guidelines and Policy

One of the main issues large corporations and small businesses have been having all along, when trying to go through that business transformation towards becoming a Social Enterprise, has always been the lack of an effective governance model and eventually decide to go for the easy way out: blocking social networking sites at work, hoping … Continue reading How Fun and Creativity Can Shape Your Own Social Computing Guidelines and Policy

The Social Enterprise and The Circular Economy

Earlier on today, and continuing further with yesterday’s blog entry on “The Social Enterprise – Welcome to the Era of Intrapreneurship!” that I shared over here, my good friend, the always insightful Susan Scrupski put together a follow-up article that absolutely pretty much nails it for me on this whole topic of transitioning into “The … Continue reading The Social Enterprise and The Circular Economy

The Social Enterprise – Welcome to the Era of Intrapreneurship!

There is probably very little doubt out there still about the huge potential, and impact, that Social Networking has been having within the corporate world over the last few years, to the point where a few folks have ventured into suggesting that we are witnessing the tipping point of how we are redefining the Future … Continue reading The Social Enterprise – Welcome to the Era of Intrapreneurship!

The Secret Life of Your Bodyclock – Redefining How You Work for Best Performance

One of the many various different things I really enjoy about participating in the Social Web out there on a regular basis, is the fact you never really know where a conversation will be heading once it’s gotten started, specially, if that dialogue beings with a good bunch of the folks who are part of … Continue reading The Secret Life of Your Bodyclock – Redefining How You Work for Best Performance

The Big Three – How To Handle Your Fragmented Social Life

A few days back my good friend Jack Vinson posted a rather interesting and thought-provoking blog post that would be incredibly relevant for all of those folks who happen to be rather active in various different social networking sites and who may be facing such a common problem as well. Under Fragmented social life he … Continue reading The Big Three – How To Handle Your Fragmented Social Life

Reclaim Blogging – On Why Your Blog Still Is Your Best Personal Branding Social Tool

Over the course of the years Hugh MacLeod has always been posting some of the most amazing content available out there on the Internet Blogosphere on various different topics, specially, related to Social Networking. One of the articles that I have enjoyed the most though was one he shared just recently, a couple of weeks back, … Continue reading Reclaim Blogging – On Why Your Blog Still Is Your Best Personal Branding Social Tool

IBM’s Trip to Become A Socially Integrated Enterprise

Over the last couple of weeks there have been a number of rather interesting and insightful blog posts that have been covering IBM’s journey to become a social business. A journey that started back in 2001, but that it had its main roots well substantiated within the company for much longer. Interestingly enough, when everyone … Continue reading IBM’s Trip to Become A Socially Integrated Enterprise