Radical Management – A Different Kind of CEO

During the course of yesterday, my good friend, the always insightful Ana Silva was wondering, over in Twitter, and in her own blog, too!, under the heading “The Cluetrain Manifesto on art, work and life“, about potential new books to read during the summer vacation. A bunch of us dropped by and shared some suggestions … Continue reading Radical Management – A Different Kind of CEO

Social Business Forum Highlights – Highlights from Breakout Sessions and Final Keynote

Once again, I am on the road on to another business trip. This time around to Boston, MA, to attend and present at *the* Enterprise 2.0 event of events. Of course, I am referring to the Enterprise 2.0 Event, a.k.a. #e2conf. So over the next few days you will see how this blog, once again, … Continue reading Social Business Forum Highlights – Highlights from Breakout Sessions and Final Keynote

Social Business Forum Highlights – Social Business on the Shoulders of Giants

Continuing further with that series of blog posts detailing some of the major highlights for yours truly from the recent Social Business Forum conference event in Milan, Italy, I thought I would go ahead and share with you folks today the next installment where I would focus on the first part of the day, the … Continue reading Social Business Forum Highlights – Social Business on the Shoulders of Giants

Social Business Forum Highlights – Reinventing Conference Events

As mentioned in previous blog posts, here I am, once again, putting together this particular series of articles detailing some of the various highlights from the recent Social Business Forum event held in Milan, Italy, on June 8th, that I attended and presented at. Now, I won’t be able to detail most of what happened … Continue reading Social Business Forum Highlights – Reinventing Conference Events

Amo La Vida

After enjoying another gorgeous summer weekend back at home, and while I am starting to prepare things for the next upcoming business trip to Boston, MA, to attend & present at Enterprise 2.0 conference event (#e2conf), as well as sharing a series of posts with highlights from the Social Business Forum event in Milan from … Continue reading Amo La Vida