Nancy White and Suzy – An Intro to Twitter

Over the last few days, perhaps last couple of weeks, I have been having, once again, that ongoing love / hate relationship with Twitter, inclining itself a little bit more on the hate side of things this time around. Unfortunately. Specially, with #newtwitter, seeing how the overall user experience has deteriorated quite a bit over the … Continue reading Nancy White and Suzy – An Intro to Twitter

The Art of Collaborating Effectively in Virtual Teams

A few days back, over at GigaOm‘s WebWorkerDaily, Aliza Sherman shared a very interesting piece under a rather suggestive title: “5 Reasons Why Virtual Teams Fail“, where she pretty much nailed it on some of the various different issues that virtual teams face on a regular basis when confronted with that good old concept of … Continue reading The Art of Collaborating Effectively in Virtual Teams

Community Managers and the Art of Facilitating Communities Effectively – Part Deux

One of the many great things from sharing your blog posts on Twitter (And I am sure that would apply as well to other social networking sites), to alert folks that new, fresh content is available in your blog, is the fact that shortly after there is always a great chance that you will get … Continue reading Community Managers and the Art of Facilitating Communities Effectively – Part Deux

Community Managers and the Art of Facilitating Communities Effectively

Continuing further on the topic of online communities and community building, and just as my last blog post touched based on how to build an engaging community, today I thought I would go ahead and talk a little bit more about one of the most relevant and important community roles out there, which, in most … Continue reading Community Managers and the Art of Facilitating Communities Effectively

CommunityBuilders – Online Community Still Crazy After Years with Nancy White

Continuing further with that series of blog posts I mentioned in the recent past I would start sharing across on the topic of online community building and facilitating successful communities, as another one of my passions and areas of interest, I thought I would drop by over here today and share further details on a recent … Continue reading CommunityBuilders – Online Community Still Crazy After Years with Nancy White

The Business Value of Serendipity: Improving Your Presentation Skills

You gotta love serendipity, specially, when it is facilitated serendipity coming through to you, as if by magic, through your multiple daily interactions with your social networks, whether internal or external. Earlier on today, I had plans to put together a blog post on the topic of finding experts, referencing this superb piece at WSJ’s … Continue reading The Business Value of Serendipity: Improving Your Presentation Skills