Three Wishes

I am not the kind of person who is very keen on doing the usual predictions or resolutions blog post for the New Year, in this case for 2011; I have never done it in the past and don’t intend to get started now, but for the last few days I have been having this … Continue reading Three Wishes

Taking Notes Episode 126: Introducing Social Business with Luis Suarez

Over the last couple of months I have been participating on a number of different podcasting episodes, (Internet) TV interviews, news articles and a whole bunch of other kinds of rich media publications talking, most of the time, around the topics of Enterprise 2.0, internal social software adoption and 2.0 evangelism, and, lately, the new … Continue reading Taking Notes Episode 126: Introducing Social Business with Luis Suarez

Corporate Blogging Goes Mainstream – Happy Bloggiversary elsua!

Remember when people used to claim that blogs are dead and how more and more social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the like, were taking over our social activities both inside and outside of the firewall? Well, it looks like the trend may be turning around, as I have mentioned elsewhere on the … Continue reading Corporate Blogging Goes Mainstream – Happy Bloggiversary elsua!