The Evolution of the Knowledge Web Worker

“A knowledge worker is someone who gets to decide what he or she does each morning“, by Thomas A. Stewart, (Journalist & Author) is probably one of my all time favourite quotes that my good friend David Gurteen keeps sharing every so often in a couple of places. You gotta love those quotes. They are incredibly insightful … Continue reading The Evolution of the Knowledge Web Worker

Smart Filtering – On Humanising and Socialising the Web

In yesterday’s blog post under the heading “5 Reasons Why Activity Streams Will Save You From Information Overload” I mentioned how crucial and critical collaborative and social filtering of relevant content and people would become within the Social Computing realm in the coming years, if not already altogether, in order to allow knowledge workers manage … Continue reading Smart Filtering – On Humanising and Socialising the Web

5 Reasons Why Activity Streams Will Save You From Information Overload

I heart Activity Streams. I mean, I *love* them to bits! From the very first beginning that I got exposed to them over at Twitter, over 4 years ago, till today, where I am using a bunch of various different microblogging / microsharing services, both internal and external, I couldn’t work, nor get much done!, … Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Activity Streams Will Save You From Information Overload

Why Ideas Are Obvious to You But Amazing to Others

I think we all know by now how wonderfully refreshing, inspiring, re-invigorating, thought-provoking and mind-blowing it is when ideas have sex, plenty of it!, specially, when that happens on a rather frequent basis; non-stop brain frenzy circulating all over the place, as Matt Ridley beautifully described on a TED Talk nearly a year ago; but … Continue reading Why Ideas Are Obvious to You But Amazing to Others

The Art of Collaborating Effectively in Virtual Teams

A few days back, over at GigaOm‘s WebWorkerDaily, Aliza Sherman shared a very interesting piece under a rather suggestive title: “5 Reasons Why Virtual Teams Fail“, where she pretty much nailed it on some of the various different issues that virtual teams face on a regular basis when confronted with that good old concept of … Continue reading The Art of Collaborating Effectively in Virtual Teams