Microsoft offers tabbed browsing–in IE 6

(Migrated weblog post from LSR) A few days ago InformationWeek mentioned that the upcoming version of Internet Explorer 7 would be introducing basic Tabbing features. I am sure that everybody thought that it was about time that IE thought about trying to improve itself over what has been happening with other popular browsers like FireFox … Continue reading Microsoft offers tabbed browsing–in IE 6

Little Venice

(Migrated weblog post from LSR) Yesterday I didn’t have much time to actually create a weblog entry on this topic but I thought it would be a good opportunity today to share some great pictures I took over the weekend. A good friend of mine and myself decided to go for a ride southwest of … Continue reading Little Venice

TiddlyWiki and TagglyWiki – Your Own Personal Wiki Experience Meeting Your Needs

(Migrated weblog post from LSR) If last week Friday I weblogged about a particular interesting Wiki (pbWiki) this time I thought it would be interesting to mention a couple of other Wiki engines that people would certainly find very interesting. They are TiddlyWiki and TagglyWiki. Apart from putting together all the great features of the … Continue reading TiddlyWiki and TagglyWiki – Your Own Personal Wiki Experience Meeting Your Needs

Can Podcasting and Screencasting Save the Boat for Opera?

(Migrated weblog post from LSR) I would certainly think so. Way back, from the very beginning, both Podcasting and Screencasting have been two very popular methods of delivering (strong) messages to different audiences on a multitude of different scenarios, products, items, whatever. You name it. And ever since the beginning both methods have been very … Continue reading Can Podcasting and Screencasting Save the Boat for Opera?